5 Gifts for Your Cheese Loving Aquarius Friends

Not every sign comes with intuitive comparisons to cheese. There are signs whose animal glyphs are the top 3 for cheese production, (bless you, Capricorn, Aries, Taurus,) there are signs whose personalities can be unapologetically cheesy, (Pisces, Cancer—you know you love it,) and then there’s…Aquarius. Ascribing cheese gifts for this

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What Makes Cheese Stretchy?

Grilled cheese with stretchy cheese photo credit Second Mouse Cheese

When it comes to stretchiness, cheese stands alone. Virtually no other food replicates the ooey-gooeyness of a mozzarella or a triple cream. 

But even among cheeses, the ability to melt and flow isn’t universal. There are “two large forces at

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